A visitor to India noticed a chain staked to the ground was able to hold a full-grown adult elephant. It was obvious to the visitor that the elephant was strong enough to pull the stake out of the ground to achieve freedom. Out of curiosity, the visitor inquired of the elephant trainer how such a small chain could hold such a large elephant. The trainer explained that from the birth of the elephant, they periodically chained the elephant to the stake. As an infant elephant, the chain was strong enough to hold the animal in place. As an adult elephant, the chain was not strong enough to hold the animal in place; however, because the elephant grew accustomed to the limitation of the chain, it never tried to escape.
It is easy to become comfortable in chains. Such chains will keep you from achieving God’s greatest potential in life. Chains of addiction, chains of fear, chains of loneliness, chains of inadequacy, chains of failure, chains of success, or whatever other chain that might bind you. Like the elephant, it is easy to become comfortable in chains, accustomed to limitations, whether self-imposed or imposed by others.
What is holding you back today? Are you comfortable in chains? Jesus Christ conquered the grave so that everyone can break free from life’s chains. Jesus said, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36). Identify your chains and ask Jesus to help you to break free today!